We have celebrated the presentation of the book “La economía de las parábolas” by Robert Sirico, published by Ediciones DEUSTO. The event was organized by Centro Diego de Covarrubias in collaboration with CEU-CEFAS and counted with the participation of the economist Daniel Lacalle and the professor of Philosophy at the University of Deusto, Mario Silar.
During the presentation Robert Sirico said that this work is the result of “bringing together my two lives”. One, as a Catholic priest in a church in Michigan (USA) and the other, as co-founder of the ACTON Institute, dedicated to spreading liberal economic principles related to Christianity. The outcome of this merger was the publication of the book “La economía de las parábolas” in which he analyzes the well-known biblical parables from the point of view of economics.
Father Sirico affirmed that this manual is not a reinterpretation of the Bible, but rather an attempt to explain “the anthropology of the economy”. And in this sense, Sirico used the parables of Jesus of Nazareth to explain the economic flow understood as the natural process of society: “we live our lives in markets and Jesus knows it,” said Father Sirico.
Through this book, the author analyzed the economy from the perspective of social relations according to the Bible and revealed the intrinsic relationship of the human being with work: “God puts the human family in a garden, not in a jungle. A garden needs to be worked, cared for… a jungle does not”.
For his part, economist Daniel Lacalle said that this is an “extremely contemporary and relevant” book that wants to “bring the reader back to the truth of what the Bible says”.
La directora del Observatorio de Víctimas del Terrorismo de CEU-CEFAS, María San Gil, y el director del documental, Iñaki Arteta, han intervenido la presentación.
Hemos presentado el documental “Esta es una historia real”, que conmemora la vida del político, asesinado por la banda terrorista ETA.