Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza y Gómez de Valugera
President of the Association of Catholic Propagandists and the CEU San Pablo University Foundation. PhD in History from the Complutense University of Madrid and Chair of Contemporary History at the CEU San Pablo University. He is Corresponding Academician of the Royal Academy of History, the Portuguese Academy of History and the Seville Royal Academy of Arts and Humanities. Director of Aportes, Contemporary History Review. Since 2009, he has been Director of the CEU Institute of Historical Studies. Author of numerous publications on the history of Carlism, the 2nd Republic and the Spanish Civil War. He has held the posts of Vice chancellor the CEU Cardinal Herrera University of Valencia and the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid. He was coordinator for the Area of Sciences, Literature and Thought for Madrid Capital of Culture 1992, and of the History Department for the Summer Courses at the Complutense University of Madrid in El Escorial (1992-1996).Director
Elio A. Gallego García
Director of CEU-CEFAS and Philosophy Professor at CEU San Pablo University law faculty. He has held the positions of vice-rector for Research at CEU San Pablo University, director of the Colegio Mayor Universitario de San Pablo and director of the CEU Institute for Family Studies. His academic research has focus on the analyses and review of the classical legal and political tradition.Rémi Brague
Professor emeritus of medieval philosophy at the Sorbonne University in Paris and of the history of European Christianity at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, where he holds the Romano Guardini Chair. He is director of the Sorbonne's research centre Tradition of Classical Thought. He has been visiting professor at the Universities of Pennsylvania, Cologne, Lausanne, and Boston. A specialist in medieval Jewish and Arabic philosophy, he has also researched Greek philosophy (Plato and Aristotle). His most important works include Europa, La vía romana (Gredos, 1995), La sabiduría del mundo (Encuentro, 2008), En medio de la Edad Media (Encuentro, 2013) and La ley de Dios (Ensayos, 2015).Consuelo Martínez-Sicluna y Sepúlveda
Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Complutense University of Madrid. She is director of the research group Fundamentos Histórico-Filosóficos de la Ciudadanía Jurídica at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, director of the journal Aforismos. Instituciones, ideas, Movimientos and co-director of the legal philosophy collection La Testa di Gorgone.Alfredo Cruz Prados
Professor of Political Philosophy and History of Political Thought at the University of Navarra. He has been Visiting Scholar at the Bradley Institute for Democracy and Public Values (Milwaukee) and Visiting Professor at The Catholic University of America (Washington). He has given courses and lectures at various universities in Latin America. His published works include: Society as Artifice. El pensamiento político de Hobbes (EUNSA, 1986), Historia de la filosofía contemporánea (EUNSA, 1987), Ethos y polis. Bases para una reconstrucción de la filosofía política (EUNSA, 1999) and La razón de la fuerza. Concepto y justicia de la guerra (Pearson, 2004).Alvino-Mario Fantini
Editor-in-chief of The European Conservative. Member of the board of the Center for European Renewal and member of the Philadelphia Society, the Mont Pelerin Society and the Institut d'Etudes Politiques. He is currently a research fellow at the Abigail Adams Institute and a visiting scholar at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal. His work has appeared in publications such as The American Spectator, Crisis, The New Criterion, Far Eastern Economic Review, Catholic World Report, The American Conservative and The Wall Street Journal and he has worked as an editor and speechwriter for several international and multilateral organisations.Carmen Fernández de la Cigoña
Secretary General of the Catholic Association of Propagandists, director of the CEU Institute of Family Studies and lecturer at the CEU San Pablo University where she teaches the Social Doctrine of the Church. She has participated in various research projects, as well as speaking at numerous conferences and publishing articles in various media on the Social Doctrine of the Church and the defence of family and life. She has been Vice-Rector for Students at the CEU San Pablo University (2009-2011), Secretary of the Ángel Ayala-CEU Institute of Humanities for the CEU San Pablo University (2000-2009), Vice-Secretary General and Academic Director of the Ángel Ayala CEU Institute of Humanities (2008-2009), holder of the John Paul II Chair at the Ángel Ayala CEU Institute of Humanities.Gregorio Izquierdo Llanes
Managing Director of the Institute of Economic Studies, member of the General Council of Economists of Spain, member of the Board of Directors of the Madrid Association of Economists and member of the advisory board of the Faculty of Economics of the San Pablo CEU University. He has participated as an expert in various official commissions of the Spanish Congress, Senate and the Madrid Assembly. He is a member of the GACE, the Instituto de Consejeros Administradores, the Instituto Español de Analistas Financieros and an honorary member of the Círculo de Empresarios. He has published more than one hundred scientific articles, books, and has supervised several doctoral theses. He is a member of the editorial board of several scientific journals on economics. He has been President of the National Institute of Statistics (2011-2018), Director of the Electoral Census Office, President of the Electoral Registration Council and member of the Central Electoral Board.Jerónimo Molina Cano
Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Murcia. He holds a PhD in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Coimbra. He is a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. In 2017 the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies awarded him the Luis Díez del Corral Award. He has published numerous books such as Contra el "mito Carl Schmitt" (EDITUM, 2014), Nada en las manos (Los Papeles del Sitio, 2013), Raymond Aron, realista político (Sequitur, 2013), Carl Schmitt: derecho, política y grandes espacios (EAFIT, 2009), La política social en la historia (Isabor, 2004) or Julien Freund, lo político y la política (Sequitur, 2000).Dalmacio Negro Pavón
Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the CEU San Pablo University. Member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas and author of numerous essays, articles, collaborations in collective works and editions of classics of political thought, including Liberalismo y Socialismo. La encrucijada intelectual de Stuart Mill (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 1976), Comte: positivismo y revolución (Cincel, 1985), El liberalismo español. Una Antología (Unión Editorial, 1988), La tradición liberal y el Estado (Unión Editorial, 1995), Gobierno y Estado (Marcial Pons, 2002), Lo que Europa debe al cristianismo (Unión Editorial, 2006), El mito del hombre nuevo (Encuentro, 2009), Historia de las formas del Estado (El buey mudo,2010) or La Ley de Hierro de la oligarquía (Encuentro, 2015). In 2022 he received the Medal of Merit from the CEU San Pablo University and the Juan de Mariana award "for an exemplary career in defence of freedom".Jaime Nogueira Pinto
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Luso-African Foundation for Culture and member of the board of directors of several associations linked to international cooperation in the Euro-American area and the Mahgreb. He is a member of several foundations and international political associations, such as The Heritage Foundation, the Institut d'Études Politiques, Le Cercle and the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. He was director of Bertrand, S.A., director of the newspaper O Século and founder of the magazines Politica and Futuro Presente. He is the author of numerous books and essays on contemporary Portuguese history, political science, military relations and African affairs, and is a regular newspaper columnist in the Portuguese and international media.Head of International Relations
Jorge Soley Climent
Economist, President of European Dignity Watch and Director General of Expresso Bibliográfico. Expert in the world of think tanks and political influence, he is associate professor at the department of Financial Management at IESE Business School, and member of the Center for European Renewal Trust.Benigno Pendás García
President of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences and member of the Council of State. He has been a lawyer in the Spanish Parliament since 1981 and has been head of the Senate's Legal Department and director of the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies. He has also been director general of Fine Arts and trustee of the Prado Museum, the Reina Sofía Museum and more than forty cultural institutions. He has published several books and more than 50 articles on the history of political ideas and public law, especially on classical political thought and contemporary liberalism. He is on the editorial board of several scientific and cultural journals and was a member of the scientific council of the Real Instituto Elcano. In 2015 he won the Premio Internacional de Ensayo Jovellanos, award for his book Democracias inquietas: una defensa activa de la España constitucional.Carlos Rodríguez Braun
Professor of Economic Theory at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. This Spanish-Argentine doctor is an internationally recognized expert in economic theory and liberalism. He is a member of the National Academy of Economic Sciences of Argentina and publishes books and academic articles on economic theory and collaborates in newspapers, radio and TV.Alejandro Rodríguez de la Peña
Medieval History Professor at the CEU San Pablo University. He has been invited as a research academic in several international universities. His been Vice-Rector for Research and Assistant Vice-Rector of the CEU San Pablo University, Director of the San Pablo University College and, more recently, Director of the CEU Institute of Humanities, Angel Ayala. He is the author and co-author of numerous books and research articles on medieval political theology.Pablo Velasco Quintana
Editor of CEU Ediciones, national secretary of Communication of the Catholic Association of Propagandists and lecturer at the CEU San Pablo University. He has been secretary of the Getafe centre and national secretary of Social Action of the Catholic Association of Propagandists and director of the digital newspaper El Debate de Hoy. He collaborates with various media, mainly on philosophical, historical and cultural issues.