On 15 November, we held a meeting in Barcelona with the president of the Political Network for Values, José Antonio Kast. During the talk entitled “Latin America in red: the threat of left wing populism”, which was attended by around a hundred people, the Chilean politician analysed the current context in Latin America, which he described as “difficult” but which, according to him, “can be reversed. All is not lost”.
In this sense, the leader of the Republican Party, ex-deputy and candidate for the presidential elections of 2017 and 2021 in Chile, highlighted the role of Cuba as being responsible for the “bad influence” throughout the region.
With respect to the role of the right wing in these countries, Kast said that “it has focused only on management and has abandoned the defence of principles“, in contrast to the progress of the left wing, which “works on ideological issues, remains united and coordinated, and manages to reach out to the people”.
During his speech, the president of the Political Network for Values said that “the right should focus on the defence of three or four essential principles, be clear and defend them without complexes“. Kast pointed out that for him these essential principles are “God, country, family and freedom“.
La directora del Observatorio de Víctimas del Terrorismo de CEU-CEFAS, María San Gil, y el director del documental, Iñaki Arteta, han intervenido la presentación.
Hemos celebrado en Casa América el seminario "Las poblaciones indígenas y el Derecho Indiano", en colaboración con el Grupo PROEDUCA.