We live in a world where the notions of property and individual freedom are frequently threatened by collectivist ideologies or an all-encompassing State. It’s common to encounter “left-wing policies” that seek to redistribute wealth and often question something as fundamental as the legitimacy of the right to private property. They argue that such redistribution is necessary to rectify social inequalities.
While it’s true that social justice and equity should be pursued, undermining or questioning the right to private property is by no means the path to achieve it. Such an approach neglects the pivotal role that private property plays in fostering individual freedom, personal responsibility, and entrepreneurial initiative—all crucial aspects for the well-being of a society.
Moreover, establishing redistribution as the sole method for achieving social justice can lead to a host of issues, including the risk of creating a paternalistic State that curtails the freedom and autonomy of its citizens. This approach can also discourage innovation and investment, key elements for economic development and prosperity.

Properly understood and defended, private property is not only compatible with social justice but can also be one of its most robust guarantors. It’s essential, therefore, to defend this right against ideologies or policies that seek to unfairly question or limit it.
This right is not merely a matter of law but reflects human dignity and serves as a means to achieve personal and communal well-being.
Private property should be viewed as a “talent” that has been given to us to manage. It is not just a right but also a responsibility, which includes ethical use and the fair distribution of goods for community welfare.
Owning material goods provides the freedom and autonomy to make decisions that not only affect the individual but also their community. In this sense, private property is a manifestation of our freedom and dignity.
The issue of private property often sparks passionate debate—and for good reason. Its importance in fostering a just and ethical society is indisputable. At CEFAS, we believe that the right to private property is one of the fundamental pillars for building a more just and ethical society.