The president of the Asociación Católica de Propagandistas and the Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU, Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza, together with the executive director of CEU-CEFAS, Fernando Nistal; the director of the CEU-CEFAS Institute of American Studies, Consuelo Martínez-Sicluna; and the secretary general of the Institute, Eduardo Puig de la Bellacasa, visited the cities of Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires to learn about the political, social, cultural and religious reality of both countries and to establish contact with other educational institutions and think tanks.
During the first week of September, the delegation began its working days in Santiago de Chile, where they held fruitful meetings with the rectors and management teams of different universities such as the Universidad del Desarrollo, the Universidad de Los Andes, the Universidad San Sebastián and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. In addition, with the aim of getting to know the presence of Catholics in public life, they had the opportunity to meet with the political leaders of the Republican Party, José Antonio Kast, and of the Independent Democratic Union, Guillermo Ramírez. In the area of the media, Bullón de Mendoza and the rest of the delegation got first-hand knowledge of the Chilean media landscape from Eduardo Sepúlveda, president of the National Press Association and director of El Líbero, and Cristian Pizarro, deputy director of El Mercurio, the most important newspaper in the Andean country. It was also a great opportunity for CEU-CEFAS to meet other Chilean think tanks such as Res Publica, Fundación Jaime Guzmán, Idea País, Ideas Republicanas, Fundación para el Progreso and Unión Social de Empresarios Cristianos.
In Argentina, the agenda continued with new and important working meetings with other universities, think tanks and political and religious authorities. Among the personalities with whom the delegation had the opportunity to talk and establish new avenues of collaboration were the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of the Argentine government, Diana Mondino; the Secretary of Education, Carlos Torrendell; the President of the Argentine Episcopal Conference, Mons. Óscar V. Ojea; the rector of UCEMA, Edgardo Zablotsky; the executive director of Fundación Libertad y Progreso, Aldo Abram; Fr. César Garcés, president of FASTA; and the national deputy for La Libertad Avanza, Santiago Santurio.
El presidente de la Asociación Católica de Propagandistas nos ha acompañado en esta cita navideña a la que han asistido más de 50 jóvenes.
The CEU-CEFAS team has met with representatives of the most important and influential conservative think tank in the United States.