The director of CEU-CEFAS, Elio A. Gallego, participated in the VI Transatlantic Summit “For freedom and the culture of life”, held on December 2 in the Spanish Senate. A meeting organized by Political Network for Values that aims to provide a space to meet and exchange ideas and political experiences to defend life, family and fundamental freedoms, as well as to strengthen ties between Europe, Africa and America.
The meeting began with the words of the president of Political Network for Values Chile, José Antonio Kast, who highlighted the importance of this meeting: “The transatlantic summits have become an important meeting point for those who believe in human dignity and defend the value of life, freedom and the family”.
For his part, the honorary president of Political Network for Values Spain, Jaime Mayor Oreja, said that “we are pointing out the heart of the debate in the Western world, so we should not be surprised that we are called ultras simply for defending the right to life, simply for defending a concept of the person based on Christian anthropology“.
The director of CEU-CEFAS, Elio A. Gallego, also participated in the summit, taking part in the round table “Freedom of education, a universal human right” in which the need for the right of parents to educate their children in freedom was highlighted.
Among the speakers were the director of the DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family, The Heritage Foundation, Jay Richards; the deputy and secretary general of VOX, Ignacio Garriga; the director of the CEU Institute for Family Studies, Carmen Fernández de la Cigoña; or the MEP, Margarita de la Pisa, among others.
The meeting was possible thanks to the support of differents national and international organizations that have supported Political Network for Values, including CEU-CEFAS, and was attended by 300 political and civic leaders from 45 different countries.
La directora del Observatorio de Víctimas del Terrorismo de CEU-CEFAS, María San Gil, y el director del documental, Iñaki Arteta, han intervenido la presentación.
Hemos presentado el documental “Esta es una historia real”, que conmemora la vida del político, asesinado por la banda terrorista ETA.